Sex ed has failed us all. I had the pleasure of spending this month curating and writing posts covering all types of topics around masturbation. Most of my work was done sitting at the same bar I’m sitting at now as I write this. I must say, the number of people who approached me to ask what I was working on and then proceeded to quiz me was astounding.

Aside from traditional male masturbation and the missionary position, there is no common knowledge when it comes to sex. I taught married men about the anatomy of the clitoris and prostate stimulation. I had heated discussions on whether or not squirting and female orgasms through penetration are real. I explained to women the uses of different vibrators and showed their partners how they could use them too. I expressed why you should NEVER douche.

Every time I spoke with someone new, I was met with giggles and genuine curiosity. I was constantly surprised to be treated as an expert when I am learning new things every day myself. It solidified the reason I joined Emojibator in the first place: to be part of an empowering brand that educates and embraces all types of sexuality.

When we began discussions to relaunch MasturbationMonth.com for year two I was ecstatic. What better way than to collaborate with people and companies with a similar mission to educate the masses? I was able to work with people that I had admired from afar for a while and share their inspiring, essential messages. It was such a pleasure to have worked with the likes of MacKenzie Peck of Math Mag, Arielle Kaplan of @Whoregasmic, Suzannah Weiss, the team at Erika Lust, the ladies behind Dame Products, Hoe and the Hopeless, Carolyn Busa, and more.

Now for what Masturbation Month means to the cofounders of Emojibator:

“Masturbation Month reminds us that experiencing pleasure takes practice. And over time, just like my yoga practice makes me stronger, my pleasure practice helps me explore curiosities without shame. Emojibator celebrates Masturbation Month because it’s a vehicle to create joy from within, no matter how silly you look on the outside.”

- Kris Fretz

“I was elated that this project reached so many people this month with no marketing budget, but there’s a bigger picture here than the economics of our business; like our mission to produce female-focused sexual health education. I hope our narrative and the information on this site inspires educators to teach about masturbation, friends and loved ones to talk about it, and everyone to do it.”

- Joe Vela

For those who joined us on this journey, we hope you expanded your curiosities and continue to visit this site as a reference. We’ll see you next year <3

-Maddie Allard

Marketing Manager of Emojibator