
By Thais Duthie, Author of Fugace Piacere. Writer of lesbian erotic, sex blogger and lover of cosmetics.


I’ve masturbated for as long as I can remember. I would love to tell you about my first time--how afraid I was to do something I shouldn’t be doing--but I can barely remember masturbation as a teenager now. I remember I used to do it with regularity, though. At first, I did it because it made me feel good. So good. Extremely good. In that moment I was not aware of the benefits of an orgasm, so I just masturbated for pleasure. Then, I discovered how a few minutes of self-pleasure could change my day and my mood. Now I could not live without it.

Forget any myth or negative belief--the first thing you need to know about masturbation is that it is nothing but good. It does not matter if you are a man or a woman, we all do it, and if your friends disagree they are lying, I can tell you that. Masturbation is natural. It is fantastic. Get over the shame!

Once we know that masturbation has no risks, let’s forge ahead: It is deeply pleasant. If you are angry it will help you feel better, if you are turned on it will feel like relief, if you cannot fall asleep it will make you bunk down until sunshine. How could all that be possible? It has a very plausible explanation. Neurotransmitters. 

After an orgasm, our body releases serotonin and endorphins, and this is where the magic happens. Serotonin regulates our mood and our body temperature, and helps to produce melatonin (the hormone that puts us to sleep). When we orgasm our dose of serotonin is increased and for this reason we feel pleasure and at peace. 

Endorphins also help there – in fact, they are also known as the happiness hormones. Endorphins act as a natural opiate that provide well-being and reduce pain, and many scholars have even suggested that endorphins are 20 times more powerful than painkillers! For this reason, masturbation can be considered an organic remedy for headache, stress or period cramps. It has helped me with all of those, so give it a try!

However, if you have a partner, he or she can take care of supplying an orgasm, but there is still something left up to you: self-exploration. You are the owner of your body and you should also be the expert of your pleasure. Pleasuring yourself is key. You will discover what arouses you, where that little spot that makes you shiver is, what you like most, and what you do not like at all. If you share these learnings with your mates, the quality of your sex life will improve considerably, I swear. 

Masturbation can make your day, change your life and boost your pleasure. Give yourself the chance to listen to your body. Dance with it. Forget about everything. Focus on how a single caress can make your fuzz bristle and let go. Feel that bliss, and time after time, you will beautifully connect with your true self…