Why is masturbation so important during isolation?

Isolation is a difficult and lonely time for us all, especially if you are isolating alone or away from a partner. Some people out there think that masturbation is a shameful and sinful addiction, making it a taboo subject that we would only choose to discuss with people close to us, if at all. Compared to male masturbation, society has shamed female masturbation, however, there are many benefits for both sexes that should not be overlooked or disregarded. Keeping our mind and body healthy during isolation is extremely important, and here is why masturbation should be part of your daily isolation routine.


Manages Stress

Many of us may feel stressed and anxious about the current situation going on outside our homes. Masturbation is a great method of relieving stress because when we reach orgasm, we experience a rush of dopamine. Stress has many negative impacts on our mental and physical health. It lowers your immune system, allowing you to become sick. Keeping our stress levels low during a health pandemic is very important and will benefit us in many ways.

Enhances Sleep Quality

Our routines are simple and repetitive at the moment. There is only so much you can do to keep your mind and body busy throughout the day, especially if you aren’t able to work from home, which means you are unlikely to feel tired at night. Masturbating has been said to improve sleep quality, especially in men. This is because it helps to relieve stress and sexual tension, allowing you to fully relax.

Boosts Immune System

When you masturbate, you will feel a rush of hormones, which help you feel good. These include dopamine, oxytocin, and serotonin. This is what rebalances our levels of cortisol, which is the stress hormone. This, alongside enhanced sleep quality (mentioned above) and a positive mood, which are all enhanced through masturbation, is what boosts our immune system and improves its function.

Improves Mood

The rush of feel-good hormones experienced during masturbation, alongside the great feeling of an orgasm can do wonders for your mood, which may be low during isolation. Masturbating may feel repetitive over time, but it’s important to mix up your practice each time so that it does not become habitual or mundane. Take a look at omgkinky to find ways to make masturbating exciting again. You may find out something else you like, and they offer great advice on sex toys.

Alleviates Pain

Certain pain can be alleviated by masturbating, such as period cramps in women. Masturbating can also help to reduce the risk of prostate cancer development in men. Masturbating also has many long-term sexual health benefits. When you touch yourself, you get to understand what feels normal, which can help you identify any health conditions sooner rather than later.

As you can see, there are many benefits of masturbation, which shouldn’t be ignored. When things go back to normal and our daily routines start to refill, you should still make the time to masturbate, whether or not you are sexually active with a partner.