
When was the last time you took a moment just to yourself?...and we mean just you, a moment, 5 mins, 10 mins, half an hour not thinking about anything or anyone other than you. Pausing all those thoughts on who you haven’t messaged back, who you need to video call or that work assignment with the upcoming deadline. It’s hard to find time to pause and sometimes even harder to find time to think about masturbation and self pleasure.

If you need an excuse to self-pleasure today, do it to reduce stress, release tension, enhance sleep quality, boost concentration, elevate mood, relieve menstrual cramps, alleviate pain and improve sex. 

At Future of Sex, we're all about conversations around sexual pleasure and intimacy, tackling the shame and stigma head on and highlighting the importance of orgasms and a healthy sex life. We believe conversations lead to better sex lives, and better quality of life in general. Who would have thought that we’d reach the day where New York State Health Department actively promoted masturbation as the safest sex we could have during the COVID outbreak?! 


Recently we teamed up with venture studio Josephmark to take those conversations and bring them to you in your own home. We released Wheel of Foreplay a modern, spin-the-wheel game to promote sex and connection. The game is simple, pick a pack of cards, spin the wheel and from there you’ll be presented with a card featuring a sex tip or challenge to act on for you or your partner.

We recommend checking out our masturbation tips pack aptly named  “I Touch Myself”; with over 40 challenges and tips just for your own solo time. If you’re ready for an adventure, give Wheel of Foreplay a spin! Take that time out, the 5 or 10 mins or even half an hour to yourself. You deserve it.

Written by Bryony and David of Future of Sex