ThePornDude Brings Interactive Porn Games to the Masses

Among the many self-professed porn connoisseurs on the internet, ThePornDude stands tall and proud with a welcoming tone and smug comments on the industry. He claims that he’s constantly trying to stay on top of everything new in the porn world and he does a damn fine job.

The dude himself is an equal opportunity porn reviewer. It’s no wonder that his avatar is so friendly and welcoming, even though his reviews are so hardcore and indulgent. He’s not trying to dissuade anyone from enjoying all the types of pornography that he covers, and his porn game reviews are perhaps the most relevant in this day and age with porn’s overall increase in popularity.

Porn Games Are Niche, and They Shouldn’t be

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Live-action pornography has more or less been popular with everyone since the 70s. Sure, there’s always been a stigma, but overall, we’ve all seen a hardcore penetration scene a few dozen times in our lifetimes – at least. Interactive smut, on the other hand, has been so far out in the left-field for so long that people who do not identify as gamers have missed the memo.

So let’s say that you want to finally jump into the interactive porn scene, but you’re not a gamer and you do not wish to join that particular club, for whatever reason. You shouldn’t have to become a gamer in order to masturbate to enjoyable pornography. You deserve a direct link to the particular type of smut you’re looking for. This is where ThePornDude’s reviews really come in handy. 

Demystifying the World of Porn Games

If you spend more than a few minutes on ThePornDude’s best porn games section you’ll find that he goes far beyond covering the male perspectives on the attraction factor of the animated girls within these titles. He never neglects to mention what makes these games stand out within their genres.

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It’s unlikely for a newcomer in the porn games scene to enjoy just about any video game title on this list. You have to get really picky and take personal preference into account. This is extremely important because porn games do not follow the same rules and genres of regular video games or even regular media in general. Yes, there are RPGs in which you can role-play and adventure games that tell you a story, but porn games have another layer of personality that isn’t used elsewhere.

Sure, you can check out the Wikipedia page for sex and nudity in video games and it’s pretty extensive, but you’ll learn more about the historical legal implications more than anything else. The other layer that you need to dive into contains the distinction between freemium porn games and homemade story-driven experiences that you can really sink your teeth into.

You see, freemium porn games are built around psychological concepts that vibe really well with male sexuality and the concept of male masturbation specifically. The action is spaced far apart with short but powerful bursts of leisurely entertainment, which encourage you to keep coming back for more. On top of that, the warmup and the payoff are also rather far apart. They’re more akin to visual teasing than sexual ramp-up.

Finding the Right Porn Game

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ThePornDude knows all about these distinctions and he makes sure to mention them quite a lot during his reviews, to let you know exactly what you can expect. He also makes sure to include sufficient media showcasing the game, within his reviews, so you get a sense of the visual styles. Still, the visual cannot beat the written in this regard, since you want the inside scoop by someone who’s been around the block many-a-time. 

And there’s no downside to preferring the video games that have that repetitive, albeit repeatedly rewarding structure. If that’s your particular cup of tea, have at it. And if you want something a bit more romantic and indulgent, you’ll find that as well. These days, literary pornography is extremely prevalent and you’ll find a ton of porn games that follow down the same path. Imagine reading your favorite erotic novel with frequent breakpoints during which you can decide, in detail, how the action continues to unfold.

The possibilities are endless when it comes to pornographic video games and ThePornDude is trying hard to cover every single facet of their design and development. You can get very specific during your search for the perfect porn game and you really shouldn’t feel bad if you find a majority of them aren’t for you. However, if you’re curious, then chances are there are at least a handful of great porn games out there for you, and you’ll find them on ThePornDude’s list, for sure. And given that even one satisfying porn game can keep you entertained for hours on end, during many a lonely night, this game reviews list is an absolute gold mine of satisfaction.